- Raw honey, Bees, Queens, Nucs in Berks County, Pa.
- Serving beekeepers with quality nucleus hives, and Queens in Berks, Chester,Lancaster, Lehigh counties and more...
Dennis Schuelkens
Crisscross Road Bee Yard
616 Crisscross Road
Fleetwood, Pa 19522
(610) 216-8522
[email protected]
* Member of:
Lehigh County Beekeepers Association
Berks-Schuylkill Beekeepers Association
Pennsylvania St
* Pa Dept of Agriculture inspected and licensed to sell Nucs and Queens
Lehigh County Beekeepers Association
Berks-Schuylkill Beekeepers Association
Pennsylvania St
* Pa Dept of Agriculture inspected and licensed to sell Nucs and Queens
May 11,2023 UPDATE
Bees are in the yard and nucs are being inspected.
As nucs are ready, contact will be made to pick up your bees.
WE are inspecting and prepping as the weather and bees permit and are calling for pickup from the paid list.
Order desk is open for 2023
All nucleus colonies are offered on a Paid, sold order basis.
Please Note!!! New Beekeepers- I will have bees for you to start your beekeeping experience. do not put off till next year. Call to order your bees.
Crisscrossroad Bee Yard 610-216-8522
Sold Order List has been completed.
All orders with valid contact information have been contacted.
The following nucleus colonies are available for immediate pickup:
Five framed deep: Italian
Call for availability and pickup appointment.
Subject to prior sale, yard inspected daily and nucs added.
Call 610-216-8522 to order, or email [email protected] to order at your earliest convenience.

Order your 2023 bees today!